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5 Injuries That Can Result from Falls in New York



Most of the time, we don’t tend to think of falling down as something that is very serious. After all, everyone slips from time to time, right? The vast majority of the time, you can simply pick yourself up, dust off, and continue about your day. Not always, though. In fact, slip and falls are among the most common reasons for emergency room visits. Yes, the resulting injuries can be minor, but in some cases they can be incredibly serious – even life-threatening. Below, we’re going to detail five common injuries that can result from a fall accident in New York, or anywhere. Here’s what you need to know about protecting your rights if you slip or fall.


Most Common Injuries in Slip and Fall Lawsuits


Broken bones


Among the most painful injuries sustained from slips and falls, broken bones can be small fractures that require a sling or cast, or complicated fractures that require several surgeries and accompanying physical therapy.


If you have sharp pain from a fall, you need to seek emergency treatment even if you can move the joint. Only a doctor can determine whether a bone is broken by looking at an X-ray. Be sure to seek medical treatment immediately to stop internal bleeding and reduce swelling.


Head injuries


Since head injuries can have long-term complications, it’s wise to seek medical treatment for

any kind of head injury, no matter how minor. If you have dizziness, swelling, bleeding, or a temporary blackout, get to the emergency room right away. Doctors can determine whether you have sustained a concussion or a brain injury, which can have long-lasting or permanent effects.


Spinal cord injuries


These injuries tend to range from serious to potentially fatal, depending on the location on the spine that they occur and the degree of the injury.


Specifically, paralysis and other life-changing symptoms may result from a spinal cord injury. It’s important to seek urgent medical care if you experience any numbness, back pain, or neck pain after a fall.




It’s common to experience bruising, cuts, and scrapes after a fall. Some may be minor and treatable with home remedies. Others may require medical care. Depending on the severity of the fall, surface abrasions may hide deeper issues like broken bones or head injuries.


It’s wise to seek medical treatment if the pain lasts longer than a normal bruise or cut, or if other symptoms accompany abrasions.


Unseen injuries


Some injuries due to a fall aren’t visible on the surface, and may take many days to manifest – or longer. If you feel persistent pain in your joints or muscles, it’s best to consult your doctor. They can identify the source of your unseen injuries and treat the symptoms, which will protect you from causing further injury to yourself.

Determining Fault in Slip and Fall Injuries


If you are lawfully on a property and injured due to the property owner’s negligence, the owner may be at fault for your injury. For example, if you are in a retail store and sustain an injury from slipping on an unmarked, wet floor, the store owner may be held liable for your injury.

This applies to workplace injuries, too. Want to hear a shocking statistic? In the workplace, 85 percent of workers’ compensation cases involve slips on slick floors.



In all cases, a statute of limitations exists for reporting your injury. As soon as possible, get proper medical documentation of your symptoms and contact an experienced New York personal injury lawyer to protect your rights and begin building your case.

Staff Writer

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Staff Writer