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Personal Injury

The 5 Most Common Personal Injury Claims

A simple slip and fall can cost thousands of dollars. A mistake by a doctor may lead to many future trips to the hospital. Car accidents cost billions of dollars each year in injuries around the country. Injuries are expensive, but there are ways to receive compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. Filing a personal injury lawsuit will allow you to make a claim for the damages and losses sustained. You are entitled to receive compensation for past and future:

  • Hospital bills
  • Cost of medical procedures and medication related to your injuries
  • Cost of therapy and rehabilitation needed because of your injuries
  • Lost wages from days you had to take off of work
  • Additional costs related to your injuries (transportation, costs to repair your vehicle, and so on)

Below we’ve made a list of some of the most common types of personal injury claims. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many different types of personal injury claims you can file. If you are not sure if your specific incident qualifies, get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Auto Accidents

Unfortunately, auto accidents happen quite often, and can easily cause you to rack up big medical bills and financial losses. New York has “no-fault” laws, which may cover some, if not all, of your financial losses whether you caused the accident or not.   In addition, you may also qualify to bring a claim to recover damages for pain and suffering, depending on the nature and extent of your injuries.

Defective Products

What do hoverboards, airbags, and breast implants have in common? All have been the center of defective product lawsuits. If you are injured by a faulty product, you may be able to make a claim against the product’s  manufacturer or distributor for damages and losses.

Premises Liability

If you are injured at a restaurant, on a cruise, or at a store, you may feel that negligent maintenance of the property caused your injury. Under the rules of premises liability, property owners have a responsibility to keep their property safe and free of hazards for employees, visitors, and tenants. Premises liability lawsuits cover a wide range of injuries and scenarios, making them the most common personal injury lawsuits filed around the country, like slip and fall accident claims.

What are slip and fall accident claims? Let’s say, for example, you’re at a smoothie restaurant and a customer spills a smoothie on the floor. Store employees ignore the mess, however, and fail to clean it up.  You then walk by, slip through the spill and fall hurting yourself. This is a preventable incident, and you are entitled to a premises liability lawsuit.

Medical Malpractice

Doctors and medical professionals have a duty to provide care that meets recognized standards of care in the medical community.  When they do not, serious medical consequences can result.   A qualified medical expert reviews the conduct of the medical provider so as to determine whether a potential medical malpractice claim exists. A medical malpractice case filed assumes that the care involved falls below recognized standards of care.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

No matter what type of personal injury you received, the right personal injury attorney is crucial in order to attain compensation. Call the attorneys at Macaluso & Fafinski today to receive a free consultation of your case.

About the Author:

Joseph G. Macaluso is a personal injury lawyer practicing at the Bronx law firm of Macaluso & Fafinski, P.C. A graduate of Brooklyn Law School, Mr. Macaluso has been in private practice since 1990 with an exclusive focus on personal injury and medical malpractice. A member of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association, he has served on the Legislative Committee of this organization and is also a member of the Bronx County Bar Association and has served on the Board of Directors of Bronx Legal Services.
