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Common Autumn Personal Injury Accidents in NY

Common Autumn Personal Injury Accidents in NY

Many people love the autumn season. After all, it ushers in crisp fall air that makes each day perfect for sweaters and hot spiced cider. But there’s a disadvantage to the fall that many people don’t consider until it impacts them: The change in weather can increase the risk of some types of accidents.

There are many accidents that tend to occur more often in autumn in New York. It’s important to know not only what these common accidents are – but also what you should do if you are injured through the recklessness, carelessness, or negligence of another person.

Car Accidents

The change in season brings with it several factors that increase the risk of car accidents. Shorter days, increased traffic due to school being back in session, and bad weather can all contribute to conditions that make car accidents more prevalent.

Some of the other autumn causes of car accidents include:

  • Speeding
  • Vehicle defects
  • Driving under the influence
  • Distracted driving

If another driver caused your accident and you believe they were negligent, then the injuries you sustained may entitle you to damages that can be claimed through a personal injury lawsuit.

Motorcycle Accidents

As motorcycle riders try to squeeze some ride time in on the last few nice days of the year, their increased presence on the road means that accidents are bound to happen. But some of the conditions in the autumn can pose dangers for motorcycle rides, and the negligence of others on the road can be a real issue.

Motorcycle injuries can be severe and life-altering, so make sure to speak with an attorney if you think you have a case against another person to help cover your medical expenses, property damages, and lost wages.

Slip and Fall Accidents

In New York in the autumn, rain is a common condition. While many people find a little drizzle preferable over the summer heat, the rain does pose some hazards – particularly for slip and fall accidents.

Wet sidewalks and subway platforms, as well as slippery floors, can lead to accidents if the conditions are not properly addressed. Also, the leaves on the ground also present a slip and fall hazard whether it’s wet outside or not. Leaves may also serve to cover up dangers that exist where you walk, such as broken sidewalks or potholes.

Additionally, when the sun sets earlier in the fall, flaws and depressions in sidewalks can be more difficult to spot, leading to trips and falls.

In these cases, the owner of a property has the responsibility to reasonably address any dangers that exist on their property that can cause injury to another person. At the very least, property owners should warn others that conditions exist so they can avoid injury.

If you’re hurt in New York this autumn, then you need to make sure you first get medical attention for your injuries, then you can focus on what to do next. For those hurt by the negligence of another, it’s a good idea to talk to an attorney about a personal injury lawsuit.

This can  help pay your mounting medical bills and get the settlement you need to keep moving forward. There’s a limited amount of time in which this can occur, so make sure to talk to an experienced attorney as soon as possible about your case.


Joseph macaluso

Published by
Joseph macaluso