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New Yorkers Can Sue for These Types of Damages Due to Asbestos

Legal Action if Exposed to Asbestos

It was only a few decades ago that people everywhere were singing the praises of asbestos. After all, it was naturally occurring, strong, a good insulator, and resistant to heat. Because of this, asbestos was used just about everywhere – in pipe wrappings, roof coatings, for brake pads, and more. There was particularly heavy use in building construction.

Now, of course, we know better. When dust from asbestos gets into our lungs, it can cause serious health problems, including the diseases asbestosis and even cancer in the form of mesothelioma.

Due to the widespread and varied use of asbestos, pretty much anyone can be exposed and suffer problems from exposure. However, those in certain careers are far more likely to suffer the effects. These include firefighters, those in construction and demolition, shipbuilders, brake manufacturers and repair technicians, and others. If this describes you or a loved one, you likely qualify for workers compensation.

Regardless of how you were exposed to asbestos though, if you suffer injury or illness, the State of New York says that you may be able to recover damages. What kind of damages? That’s what we’re going to cover below.

Understanding What Kind of Damages You Can Receive for Injury Due to Asbestos Exposure

There are a number of different types of damages you may be able to receive if you file an injury claim related to asbestos, including:

Medical costs.

It’s expensive to go to the doctor even if you’re dealing with an issue that can be cleared up in just a few visits. Now imagine you are suffering from a very serious disease. It’s going to take a lot more than one or two trips to the doctor or pharmacy to handle.

The effects of asbestosis and mesothelioma can be lifelong and incredibly serious, requiring ongoing medication, hospital visits, surgery, and more. In short, both tend to be quite expensive to deal with just in a medical sense. It’s not uncommon for victims to rack up tens of thousands in medical bills – or more.

If you were exposed to asbestos due to another’s negligence, that party can be held responsible for all of your medical bills.

Rehabilitation costs.

People suffering with serious injuries from asbestos usually don’t just get instantly better after seeking medical help. It takes time. In many cases, they will have to undergo long-term rehabilitation.

If you file an asbestos injury claim, you can ask for damages related to rehabilitation costs as well.

Loss of wages.

Where exactly are you going to find the time to go to all of these doctor’s appointments and rehab sessions? Most likely you will have to take off work. That means lost money on top of what you’re spending to recover.

An injury claim allows you to ask for compensation for the wages you would have been earning if you could have gone to work.

Diminished earning capacity.

For many, the effects of asbestos exposure are so severe that they aren’t able to return to their previous work . If you are forced to take a lower-paying position due to your illness, this is yet another way that you have been “damaged”.

Lost enjoyment and emotional distress.

These are two different types of damages, but they are similar enough to discuss together.

Lost enjoyment refers to the inability to engage in activities that previously provided you with pleasure and enjoyment since your injury. Emotional distress is exactly what it sounds like – sadness, stress, frustration, and other negative emotions you might experience that are related to your condition.

Both of these are types of damages you can itemize in a lawsuit.

Pain and suffering.

As you might imagine, it’s not exactly comfortable if you have cancer or scarring on your lungs from asbestosis. Most people must deal with extensive pain and suffering.

An experienced New York asbestos injury lawyer will be able to help you determine the monetary value that can be attached to this category of damages.

How NYers Can Get the Compensation They Deserve for Asbestos Injuries

Our society recognized the danger of asbestos years ago and had put many safeguards in place to protect people. However, some entities still choose to ignore these safeguards.

If you or someone you love was exposed to asbestos and it led to injury or illness, you should not have to suffer in silence or pay for the mistakes of another. A skilled NY injury attorney with a track record of success in asbestos cases can look over the facts of your situation and help you determine if you have a viable claim.

Do not hesitate to get help. Contact our office immediately.


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