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Personal Injury

Numbers on Elevator and Escalator Accidents – in NY and Beyond

If you have been injured in an elevator or escalator accident in New York, you are not alone. In fact, many New Yorkers are injured every year by these transportation methods. In this post, we’ll share elevator and escalator facts and statistics with you, along with the most common reasons accidents occur. We’ll also tell you how we can help if you are injured by an elevator or escalator in New York.

What Type of Escalator Accidents Occur?

Statistics on Elevator and Escalator Injuries and Deaths

Every year, about 30 people are killed in elevator and escalator accidents in the United States. Nearly 17,000 injuries occur each year, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Interestingly, elevator accidents cause more deaths and injuries than escalator accidents. Elevator accidents kill about 27 people every year and injure around 10,200. The majority of the time, these accidents involve door malfunctions, misalignment with floors, and other safety issues.

Half of all elevator accident deaths occur among people servicing or repairing the elevator, most often because the worker falls into the elevator shaft. In fact, those who install and service construction elevators have the sixth-highest risk of work-related death out of all the construction trades.

About 35,000 escalators are in operation in the United states. The most common reason for death is getting clothing caught near the entry or exit points of the escalator.

Falls are the top reason for escalator injuries. Around 6,000 injuries occur each year due to escalator entrapment and other reasons.

One New York City incident in January 2005 caused 71 children to suffer injuries. A theater escalator suddenly stopped and moved backwards, causing the children to fall and get hurt.

Reasons for Elevator and Escalator Accidents

The most common reasons for accidents on elevators and escalators include the following:

  • Sudden stops or shifts in movement
  • Sudden slow or fast movement
  • Elevator is stuck between floors
  • Elevator opens into the shaft
  • Individual are trapped in the elevator door
  • Elevator is incorrectly leveled
  • Individual’s clothing or shoes gets trapped in the escalator teeth or side wall
  • Broken teeth in the escalator
  • Cables or brakes are broken in an elevator
  • Failure of electrical system
  • Failure of safety devices
  • Electrocution
  • Failure of communication system
  • Entrapment inside the elevator during a fire
  • Lack of maintenance or inspections

Elevator and Escalator Injury Lawsuits

Since elevators and escalators are in residential, commercial, and government buildings, any injury lawsuit will fall under the umbrella of premises liability. This type of lawsuit holds the owner or entity of the property responsible for damages. However, you will need to prove that the owner or entity was negligent in their maintenance or installation of the elevator or escalator, which presented a hazard that caused your injury.

If you have been injured in a New York elevator or escalator, then you need the help of a skilled and knowledgeable premises liability attorney. These cases are complex and will likely involve a tough fight. Because of this, you want someone on your side who has experience winning cases like yours.

When you get in touch with us, we will investigate your situation to determine whether or not you have a viable negligence case. We then assess the potential compensation you may be able to win based on your medical bills, loss of income, and other pain and suffering you have experienced due to your accident. Reach out today for a free, no-obligation consultation. (800) 762-9300


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