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NY Motorcyclists Can’t Always Avoid Accidents — But They Can Gear Up

The best way to avoid motorcycle injuries is not to get into a motorcycle accident, right? Well, sometimes accidents simply can’t be avoided. Although your skills as a rider can reduce your chances, as the old adage goes, “it’s not ‘if,’ but ‘when’ you lay down your bike.” Even when the accident is someone else’s fault, you still pay the price. Fortunately, you can decrease your risk of injury by investing in the right gear. […]

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Ways Car Drivers Cause New York Motorcycle Accidents

As a motorcyclist, you face many more dangers on the road than car drivers – including car drivers themselves. Collisions with cars are particularly dangerous, as cars have greater size, weight, and momentum on their side. As a responsible motorcyclist, you are no doubt aware of the hazard that cars pose, but you might not know the many different specific ways that they typically get into accidents with motorcycles. Below we cover some common ways […]

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4 Tips to Avoid Motorcycle Injuries in New York

Want to hear a sobering statistic? A person on a motorcycle is 29 times more likely to be killed than someone in a car. With more cars on the road and higher rates of auto accidents, it is only getting more dangerous for bikers. Just a few weeks ago, at the tail-end of April, a 59-year-old man struck a rider from behind, knocking him off his bike, then drove off. Thankfully, the police caught him […]

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